One aspect of G~d is JOY !
When the universe is being created, the Lord says “it is good” many times, and ends with “it is very good.” G~d is happy, joyful, with the Creation.
When friends and family have special, joyful events, rejoice with them. Birthdays, jobs, graduations, marriages, home purchases, and so forth, are reasons for special joy. We participate with our families and friends because of their joy. It does not matter one bit if you agree with the event! Be joyful for their joy.
Many people in the world believe the Messiah of G~d has come in the person of Yeshua of Nazareth (Jesus). Regardless of your personal view, this is viewed by many people as a momentous, wonderful, joyful event. You are part of their family, that is the greater family of mankind. You can be joyful because of their joy.
There are various theories about when Yeshua was born. In reality it matters little. Everyone was born some day. For many people the Christmas day is assigned as birthday remembrance day (some Christian sects use other dates). It matters very little if you agree on the dates. Can you be Joyful with your “family” as they celebrate?
Is there any benefit in being a Humbug about others Christmas joy. What benefit is there in reducing joy ? Think this through for a while. Is there any benefit in being “right” by trying to argue about changing the date used to celebrate Yeshua’s birth?
Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say REJOICE !
Image from I Am A Child