The tradition of Tashlikh has no obvious roots in the Torah, yet many people tell me it is the most profound spiritual change they have ever experienced. There is something profound in putting action into our intention. The special prayers of community repentance and the repeated Shofar blasts of the Yom Teruah (Rosh Hashanah) service serve as a wake up call to make some changes in our lives.
Now we have the opportunity of Tashlikh to take a physical action to cast our sins away, into the deep, never to return. We read some Psalms which direct our thoughts toward our community and personal liabilities. Then we “examine our hearts,” make a list, and attach spiritual release to each item we cast into the deep. Leave the thoughts behind. Return home with less burden.
The spiritual transaction has tremendous power to release us of our burdens. The power of the thought and intent to repent, that is turn around, is awesome. Some people tell me of a feeling of lightness, as though no longer carrying weights all the time. This is one of many “born again” opportunities afforded by Judaism, and amplified by the hope of Messiah. This is a new beginning, a time of rejoicing.
Following is the Holiday Siddur for Tashlikh, which you can use with your congregation, havurah, or as personal meditation. Tashlich 5771.pdf
On the lighter side seeRichard Israel’s “crumb list.”